Analysis & Tracking Tools

- ACAP (Association Compensation Analysis Program) is designed for staff and leaders of affiliates of the National Education Association.
- ACAP helps the Association ensure the best compensation for public education employees by making it easy to design, calculate, and analyze the costs and provisions of employee benefits and salary schedules.
Benefits of ACAP.Net
- ACAP is designed, developed, and tested by Association staff who have worked in public schools and who also have experience in labor relations, collective bargaining, research, and information technology. The program, along with documentation, training, and user support, is distributed free to NEA state affiliates.
- ACAP is the only nationally distributed software tailored to the way compensation works in public education.
- ACAP.Net is the latest & last evolution of this software (released in 2006), which has been in service since 1988. It uses Microsoft’s .NET development platform and is independent of Microsoft Office.

Winner of 2 NASA awards – 2012 Robert H. Goddard Honor Award & 2013 Silver Achievement Medal (Team) Agency Honor Award! The award winning Career Path application provides all levels of the 300 organization with career planning data. It is an interactive visual representation of all Code 300 positions and transition information. The career planning data informs personnel and management of training and development/advancement. Career Path application also has an Administrative Interface to edit data associated with positions and transitions allowing Management to maintain the career data that they are responsible for.

The Cost Estimation application is used by GSFC New Business and Code 300 personnel to enter, approve, and retrieve estimation data for proposals. This complex system holds proprietary data and allows for permissions-based entry, assignment, and approval of proposal estimations in a step-by-step approach. All information is available in predefined reports and ultimately used by the New Business Team to consolidate department estimations to generate the final proposal. This application has saved time and resources as well as increases the consistency of estimates. The Cost Estimation system provides a centralized place to track all costing and proposal data. Users may export data and/or reports to Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets. The next release currently in development will allow for proposals and all supporting documentation to be archived for historical purposes.
Benefits of Cost Estimation
- Centrally control all costing and proposal data.
- Archival of proposal data and estimations.
- Saves time estimating and increases the consistency of estimates.
- User Administration module allows for multiple user levels.
- Produce metrics and reporting data for historical purposes.

ESP wanted a hosted site where they could track their members via an interactive map interface, showcase information for the public and have a site for member-only access.

Failure, Interrogation & Archiving Tool (FIAT) is a front end user application which interfaces with a RDAT Bayesian Tool engine. FIAT interfaces with the Mission Configuration application to capture configuration data and ingests Anomaly/Failure data from generated SOARS Excel reports. Users can select specific parameters, failures for analysis and type of statistical output for graphing.

The GSFC IRAD Program Proposal Ingest, Review and Evaluation application allows for the submission, review and evaluation of IRAD Proposals. The Administrator interface supports proposal funding management for the allocation of IRAD funding, Technology Equipment and Center funding. The application also supports the submission and review of quarterly and end of year reports.

The Integrated Labor Estimating and Tracking Tool (iLETT) is a web-based system used to plan, track, analyze, and budget Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) civil service labor in the year of execution as well as during formulation activities. iLETT provides an integrated, multi-platform, easy to use system to generate accurate and timely labor information to Center managers and analysts who are responsible for tracking/maintaining/reporting on labor budgets.

The Integrated Workforce and Personnel Planning (iWAPP) application is a web-based system that assists users in the planning, tracking, analysis, and management of the Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) civil service and contractor workforce in the current and future timeframes. iWAPP provides an integrated, multi-platform, easy to use system that generates accurate and timely workforce information to Center managers responsible for making strategic and tactical decisions.

Organization Relations Management System. B-Line created this Flash data entry interface so assistants could quickly enter, disseminate and access information on upcoming events which NEA was invited to attend or present at.

Developed an input and reporting system that stores proposal ratings and brief justifications and/or comments via a web-based form accessible from the Virtual Systems Design Environment (VSDE).

- An easy to use tool that allows the optimization and presentation of charting elements.
- Extinguises need to use multiple programs for creation and presentation of charts.
- Easy to use interface with simple drag and drop toolbar.
- Creates dynamic polls and surveys added directly into slides.
Benefits of QuadChart
- Easy to use technology that allows you to create and display slide shows and presentations.
- The ability to create a poll or survey with results stored in a database for future access.
- The use of multiple layout formats to assemble presentations quicker.
- Customize presentation by choosing from various items including images and media.
- Log-on screen to provide added security.

Developed an input and reporting system that stores proposal ratings and brief justifications and/or comments via a web-based form accessible from the Virtual Systems Design Environment (VSDE).Ranking & Estimates Web Analysis. B-Line created a single Interface which displays the most recent published Rankings & Estimates Data compiled by the NEA in addition to equivalent data from the last 47 years. The interface also allows users to perform analysis on the data.

State Compensation Survey. The National Council State Education Association needed a website application that allowed them to survey their user base to gather data on various aspects of salary compensation. B-Line provides all development, hosting and maintenance for this website.

The NEA needed a website application that allowed the user to view state-level data that shows how the components of public education systems work together to affect student success. Through comparing individual state data with other states and/or the nation as a whole you can see how these components affect student achievement.
Benefits of State Education Indicators
- From simple comparative analysis such, as State Profiles and State System Views, to in-depth correlation analysis, SEI allows the user to perform their own education research and analysis.
- SEI uses several different data visualizations to present complex data in a way that is easy comprehend and digest.

GSFC & JPL Watch List System. The Watchlist system was developed as a realtime notification and tracking system alerting personnel of issues that could potentially have an impact on item-end performance. It provides management with a solution tracking and approval process for issue closure. Initially released at GSFC in 2008, the system has undergone multiple enhancements to best suit GSFC’s needs.
Users find that the Watchlist system is very easy to use. The user interface is designed so that training is not necessary. Users can easily enter data, search items across projects, upload documents and produce metrics and reporting data with virtually one-click. B-line designs applications for flexibility and the latest release demonstrates this ability by allowing for communication between the Watch List system and the Supplier Insight application. Watch List assigns a supplier to a specific watch list item from the Supplier Insight application. While a user browses a supplier in the Supplier Insight application, the number of watch list items associated with the supplier is shown.
Benefits of Watchlist
- Produce metrics and reporting data for historical purposes.
- Advanced searching functionality across items and uploaded documents.
- User Administration module allows multiple user levels, ability to modify home page functionality, send Email Notification.