
CourseBuilder allows any non-technical user to quickly and easily build various types of learning resources in the shortest time possible from any location.
Benefits of CourseBuilder
- BROWSER BASED – Easy to use tools that are available from any Web browser. No software downloads or plug-ins required.
- COLLABORATIVE DEVELOPMENT – The entire development team – subject matter experts, instructional designers, graphic artists, etc. can view and edit a project at the same time; and they can be located anywhere.
- PRE-DEFINED & CUSTOMIZABLE TEMPLATES – Use one of the many pre-defined slide templates or customize your own template and store in the Content Library.
- QUIZZES, TESTS AND EMBEDDED QUESTIONS – Interactive questions embedded into your courses help to engage your learners. Quizzes provide learners with feedback; tests provide the instructor and management with a record of reporting tools to assess performance and content adequacy.
- SLIDE ASSOCIATION – Easily create and view slide associations within a drop-down list.
- QUIZZES, TESTS AND EMBEDDED QUESTIONS – Export a course into all or one of the following: online course, live training presentation, student workbook, instructor workbook or audio script. Each document is exported into a universal format for document printing or online access.
- CONTENT LIBRARY & CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM – Store, share and reuse "learning objects content to speed the development of similar courses and tests".
- PHOTOGALLERY – Store and share graphics, animation, photographs, audio and video in an easy to access library that is always available. Comes with the Picture Tool editor to highlight and resize images for a particular slide. USER MANAGEMENT – Allow various permission levels to access, create, edit and publish each course and course content.